How to Make Mornings Easier with Kids

How to Make Mornings Easier with Kids

As we get in a rhythm of school and chaotic mornings…

Here are some tips I’ve found that work really well for our family that make getting out the door easier!

•Layout clothes the night before
•Make a visual checklist and allow your child to check off each task as they complete it.
•Buy a fun alarm clock for kids. We use the Mirari Ready to Wake clock and my kids are excited to see the light turn green and it prevents early wake ups.
•Make a morning music playlist. This keeps the morning light and fun. You can have a new song for brushing teeth, getting dressed, etc.
•Keep a routine but be flexible. Kids thrive on routine but give yourself extra time in case you need it.

These have been helpful tips for my family. They allow my kids to be independent and take ownership on the morning routine. It also gets them out the door on time and ready for the day happy ☺️ I’d love to hear some of your tips and tricks too! Leave them in the comments below!

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