What I Learned During My Third Maternity Leave

What I Learned During My Third Maternity Leave

The time home with your little one is so precious and you don’t get it back.

I promised myself this go around I will truly give myself a break from work to maximize my time with Coco. And I did just that! This is what I learned on my third and final maternity leave that was by far my most rewarding.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Tip #1 Give yourself permission. If you want to sit in your sweats all day, do it. If you don't want to leave the house don't. Give yourself some space from the outside world. It adds a lot of unnecessary pressure to have visitors and entertain. Everyone will eventually see the baby.
Tip #2 Leave work at work. Do not look at your emails. Finally, for this last leave, I actually listened to myself and set that boundary. It was hard but it allowed me to be fully present for my family.
Tip #3 Go outside and take a stroll. I made sure I went for a walk every day and did a little something nice for myself that I normally wouldn't do. I went to a different coffee shop around my neighborhood. It was so fun to walk with Coco and spend a little time looking around what I normally would rush by.
Tip #4 Ask for help. Having a baby is extremely overwhelming even the third time. From taking care of another little human, to the healing of your own body. Then you add breastfeeding, other children if you have them, and finally getting sleep. Having others help you, family or friend or evening hiring a babysitter if possible can give you the relief you need. Let them do a load of laundry or have your husband do the night shift, say yes to the friend who offers to make a meal. You deserve it!
I hope these tips help you make the most of your wonderfully special time with your new baby!!

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