Tips for Commissioning Custom Artwork

Tips for Commissioning Custom Artwork

Blank Wall Alert! Who has been there?!

When we moved into this house, one of the first things I noticed was how our living room space had a huge open wall. The possibilities for how to design around it were endless and I just didn’t know what to do with it! I felt like every time I walked by the wall, it was taunting me. It was desperate for some love and attention but I just did not know what to do. I needed a truly dynamic piece that I loved. My friend and designer Danielle mentioned a specific artist she recommended. I fell in love instantly. I began following her work for months. I loved her style, colors, everything about her work. Except none of her current pieces were perfect for the space. I decided to ask her if she could create a piece specifically for our home and I’m so happy I did. If you are considering commissioning a piece for the first time, it can be intimidating. But it can also be a fun and collaborative experience!

Follow these tips, so you can walk away happy with your custom piece while supporting an artist you love.

DO take care of important details in the initial contact.

Reach out to the artist to see if they are taking commissions and will accept the type of work you would like done. Many artists can be contacted directly by email or social media. Let the artist know why specifically you would like them to make the piece. What is it about their work that intrigued you? Think about what medium the artist uses for their art. For example paper, canvas. Next, discuss the price and timeline upfront. Next, you want to provide reference images (any of the art pieces you like of theirs or others) as it is a great way to communicate with the artist about what you are looking for. If the piece will be for a certain area of your home, provide the artist with an idea of the style so they can understand how this piece fits with your aesthetic. Take pictures of that space and even send references of fabric, paint, or wallpaper to the artist to help coordinate. Be very clear about what you want or expect from the artist.

Having a contract in place between you and the artist before work begins is essential. The contract should include the timeline, completion date, price, with all applicable expenses associated with creating the piece like canvas cost, shipping, and payment terms. Many artists will also ask for fifty-percent upfront or some sort of deposit.

Do communicate often and have fun

Keep in touch with the artist to make sure the project is staying within the timeline. Also, check in to see if they need anything from you. Do they need more reference images or materials? Communicate any questions or concerns you have so that you know everyone is on the same page. Do not wait until the piece is close to being finished before you check-in. If the artist is on the wrong track, big revisions could be expensive, timely, and compromise your relationship with the artist. Most artists will expect you to be reaching out and communicating pretty often — it should be part of the process.

Be Open to Suggestions - a note from our artist, Cynthea Josephine

Also from our artist's perspective, she says try to be open and trusting of suggestions. For example, 9 out of 10 of the commission pieces she does the clients are strongly against the color yellow. However, if you look at her work almost all her pieces have a pop of yellow in them (that they usually don't notice) that ties everything together. Once she gets the client to trust her, she adds that pop - the piece comes alive!

It was the best day when my commissioned art piece arrived. To save on shipping she was able to roll the canvas and ship it to us. I was overwhelmed with how beautiful and well done the art piece turned out. I would wholeheartedly recommend commissioning an art piece with an artist you love. The process was so rewarding and we received a one-of-a-kind piece we will cherish and pass down to our next generation.

Be sure to head to my Instagram to see a bunch of behind the scenes clips and images of the process!

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