Lessons I've Learned After Leaving My Corporate Career...

Lessons I've Learned After Leaving My Corporate Career...

Leaving what you know isn’t always easy…

When going through a transition, so many people resist change. I have come to realize it is not about the change, but more about the letting go of that part of ourselves we have to give up with the change. One door closes & another door opens…but not many people talk about the hallway- the in between.

Selling my family’s company and leaving my life-long corporate career after 15 years was a scary and challenging decision to make. However, I knew it would be an awesome opportunity for growth and recreation. First up, I know that I am in an amazing position being able to make this jump. I hope that anyone who might be wanting to leave the corporate world and leap into creating a business they are passionate about, will find this post helpful. As the dust has settled a bit from all the changes I made over the past year, I have learned some valuable lessons:

Lesson #1: Family Comes First

The biggest reason I left my career was to put my children and husband as top priority. As much as I loved my job, it was time to prioritize my family and make the most of the time I had with them. Having three young children under the age of six, I wanted to be present for their childhood. It was important to me, as I can't get the time back. So I had to ask myself, how do you want to spend those precious younger years? As so many have said " it goes by fast". I never wanted to look back with regret. This decision has been the right decision for me and has brought immense joy and I cherish every moment, because I know this is short lived. While it was difficult to make the decision to leave my career, there is no question it was right.

Lesson #2: Don't Define Yourself by Your Career

For many years, I defined myself by my career. I thought that my job was who I was. However, since exiting my job, I have realized that your job is what you do, not who you are. I am a mother, I am spontaneous, I am a wife, I am a connector, I am a creator, I am a sister, I am passionate to serve others, and I am a traveler. While it may be a part of your identity, it does not define you. It's easy to feel lost and unsure of ourselves after leaving a long-standing career, but it's crucial to separate our identity from our job titles.

Lesson #3: Follow Your Passions

One of the best things about leaving my career was the freedom to pursue my passions and start working on business ventures of my own. I have started working on my first residential development projects, traveled to Qatar, been more involved with my children (especially when it comes to their school), and I’ve even signed up for a photography class. After visiting South Africa in 2009, I have always wanted to serve others and give back by helping young girls with confidence and mentorship - perhaps there is even a non-profit in my future. Life is too short to waste time doing things that don’t fulfill you.

Lesson #4: Embrace the Unknown

As a planner, not having a clear plan for my future was initially overwhelming after leaving my well defined career. However, I have come to learn that sometimes the best things in life happen when we let go of the need to control. We are often pressured by society to follow a certain timeline.  I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do for this next chapter, I had ideas and job offers but nothing that made my heart sing. And that  created some anxiety for me. However, over the last few months I’ve realized that it was okay not to have everything figured out. Embracing the unknown allowed me to explore new interests, take risks, and pursue the passions I have always wanted to explore, but never made time for. It is important to remember that life is an adventure, and sometimes the best things come when you step outside of your well defined box and be uncomfortable with it.

Leaving my career was a difficult decision but also liberating and exciting. It has taught me to prioritize what matters most, embrace uncertainty, rediscover myself, and not let fear hold me back. I am excited to see what the future holds and to continue living by my new motto, "do what brings me joy ".

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